BET Technology
The BET Technology stems from years of experimental work and research.
From simple to private residential systems across North America, BET systems have been proven in a multitude of applications.

The most efficient system on the market.
Heating engineers have long maintained that sawdust and hogged fuel could eventually take its place as the ideal fuel for home heating and industrial purposes, and now the standard BET Energy System has been successfully applied from 225,000 BTU small home installations up to large 22,000,000 BTU power installations.
Across North America, BET Systems have been proven in a multitude of applications. From simple private residential systems, to small commercial applications for greenhouses or poultry farms, to public use facilities such as schools, recreational centers, correctional facilities and public works, to industrial applications such as sawmills and pellets plants, the BET Systems have developed a solid track record of reliability and versatility.
Different than incineraton, which occurs between 590°C and 650°C (1100°F and 1200°F), the BET Energy System operates on a principle of micro-gasification where extreme temperatures are reached in an oxygen derived environment. With these temperatures, as high as 1400°C (2550°F), the BET Energy System achieves complete combustion for an enviromentally clean exhaust and efficient, useable thermal energy.
The BET Energy System is the latest in biomass combustion technology and is the only system that does not require major energy consumption to operate. It is the most efficient system on the market, and our team of experts have customized installation projects to fit a wide variety of applications.
The PRD product line was developed in 2020 by the product development and innovation team at BioMass Energy Techniques.
In its conception it was stated that this new BET System would combine the proven technologies of a rotary kiln with the traditional BET System. The technology represents new solutions for the efficient production of biochar and for energy from waste applications, all bundled in the same product.

Each commissioned system represents another unique application that has been customized to fit the needs of the end user. Recognizing that the BioMass Energy System is a result of years of experimental work and research, applications from direct heat systems, to outputs of steam, pressurized hot water, non-pressurized heat transferring fluid, non-pressurized hot water, to exhaust gases, the array of potential outputs allows your BET System near seamless integration with your existing energy infrastructure.
High moisture content of approximately 65% moisture has proven to provide some of the most efficient operating conditions for a BET System. In some applications, we have engineered feed systems which add water prior to combustion to improve overall performance and reduce fuel requirements. The BET System stands in stark contrast to other systems on the market which require dry fuel, or consume exorbitant amounts of energy to dry fuel prior to combustion.